P.S. 377 Alejadina Beniquez DeGautier

Site Director: Serge Salisbury

Phone: 347-436-6233

E-mail: Ssalibury@hispanicfamilyservicesny.org

The 2015-2016 after school schedule is as follows:

Monday-Friday: 2:30-5:30

Click here for the P.S. 377 Events Calendar 2015-2016
PS 377 2015-2016 Events Calendar.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 156.9 KB

Poetry and Motion Rotation 4, 2015

Earth and Fire classes Visual Art

Visual Arts 2012-2013

Music 2012-2013

The Life of Alvin Ailey through Horton technique: Groups 5 & 6, Rotation 2