P.S. Q877: 51st Academy

Site Director: Koli Kabir

Phone: 347-768-0951

E-mail: kkabir@hispanicfamilyservicesny.org

The 2015-2016 after school schedule is as follows:

Monday-Friday 2:15-5:15

Click here for 51st Academy 2015-2016 Event Calendar
51st Academy Event Calendar 2015-2016.pd
Adobe Acrobat Document 380.4 KB

2015-2016 First Family Art Night

Yoga with the Giants and Wizards 

Arts & Literacy Dance at 51st Academy 2014-2015

The Wizards and Giants at 51st Academy used drama and visual arts to explore and incorporate Zero Waste into after school life.

During the summer of 2014 the students and staff of Arts and Literacy at 51st Academy completed this mural to celebrate community and diversity

Fall 2014